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Learn how WiFi 7 is a leap into next-gen community living

By Alice LaPlante
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Although still far from mainstream, WiFi 7 is finally on its way to residents of multifamily communities. Quantum Fiber, a Lumen Technologies brand, has been busy readying this new technology, which represents a huge leap in capabilities and speed over today’s fiber internet deployments by enhancing wireless network capacity, efficiency, security, and coverage.

The rollout of WiFi 7

Quantum Fiber, which serves homes and small businesses throughout 16 states, installed its first customer WiFi 7 devices in December 2023, and will be available for new Quantum Fiber customers by mid-2024.

Quantum Fiber certified WiFi 7 devices

How WiFi 7 is an industry game-changer

First and foremost, tailored solutions by Quantum Fiber expert engineers are designed for WiFi 7 coverage for fiber-to-the-home or fiber-to-the-unit communities. WiFi 7 installation provides an easy way to connect homes or units to high-speed fiber internet. And better WiFi coverage than WiFi 6 means less mesh equipment is needed and RJ45 Ethernet jack direct connection in rooms throughout the home.

Plus, WiFi 7 is easy for residents to use because it can handle so many different frequencies which allows for a huge ecosystem of compatible resident and property devices, including laptops, TVs, smart-sensors, IoT gadgets, and more. The fact that WiFi 7 is backwards compatible with previous WiFi generations saves you and your residents significant amounts of money eliminating the need to buy the newest devices.

Being connected to an Ethernet cord is no longer necessary for ultra-fast speed. Now customers can get multi-gig WiFi speeds. And the device offers fewer than 3 milliseconds of latency and seamless integration with the Quantum Fiber multi-gig network.

In densely populated areas or close quarters, WiFi interference from neighbors’ older generation routers is reduced. WiFi 7 offers device detection to reduce bandwidth congestion as well as significantly more channels than WiFi 6. Your residents’ devices can also send and receive data from multiple access points.

The revolution has begun

These compact WiFi 7 devices unlock sizable capacity and access to future-proof fiber internet by enabling significantly higher throughput, reduced latency, formidable security measures, and ease of installation and use, making it an ideal choice for residential communities.

Visit our Property Managers page for more tips on Quantum Fiber internet benefits for residents. Plus, learn how to earn rewards with the Connected Communities Referral Program (CCRP).

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Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 7TM is a trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®.

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