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FAQ: Why should I focus on fiber when up to 10G speeds are available using copper?
Fiber offers long-term solutions where copper has several known limitations including noise, distance, outside influences, and bandwidth. Find out why it’s important to upgrade your property: Check out these related resources: How the leap to...
FAQ: If I want to do a fiber overbuild at my established community, how will it look aesthetically?
Each property gets custom installation design considerations based on the materials, and ways to conceal fiber wiring. Ready for an upgrade at your apartment building? Connect with a Connected Communities expert at Check out these related...
FAQ: Can you protect my community from cybersecurity threats?
Quantum Fiber, a top global network provider, offers multilayers of cybersecurity monitoring, machine learning, and blocking to help protect communities and residents. Check out these related resources: Cybersecurity 101: the misconceptions and security risks...
FAQ: What’s important to know about a bulk agreement?
A bulk agreement can be a valuable amenity to residents. Quantum Fiber offers always-on WiFi, multigig speed, staff resources, and more. Check out these related resources: Home developers and HOA’s are bulking up on NOI growth. Residential fiber is now table stakes...
The Morrison ups the resident experience
FAQ: Will I have any upfront costs for this agreement?
With a marketing agreement, there is typically no cost with our agreements. There are additional options. Connect with an expert to discuss your community at Check out these related resources: FAQ: What will I be responsible for installing?...
FAQ: When negotiating an agreement, what should I decide about gratis services?
Early planning considerations should give you time to decide what should be the residents’ experience and what is involved with the planning process. Review our pre-planning information with the property readiness timeline, at Check out...
FAQ: How is gratis service installed? What should I be aware of?
Gratis installation requires preplanning and coordination for wiring, power, and equipment. Review our pre-planning information with the property readiness timeline, at Check out these related resources: FAQ: When negotiating an agreement,...
FAQ: What is digital home phone (VoIP) service and what equipment is required?
Connected Voice service offers traditional call features for home or small office use. A digital home phone is easy to plug into an adaptor. Connect with an expert to discuss your community and needs at Check out these related resources:...
FAQ: How does your WiFi technology differ from your competitors?
Newer WiFi technology is capable of multigig WiFi speeds, less lag for gaming, less network interference, and more. Check out these related resources: How the leap to WiFi 7 can enrich next-gen community living Why Apartment Owners Should Know the Tech Driving Their...
Six reasons why your residents will love Connected Communities Quantum Fiber internet
Property Staff, your community can confidently stand out with fast, secure, and reliable amenity internet. The Property Managers page has tips on Quantum Fiber internet benefits for residents.
FAQ: What will I be responsible for installing?
When partnering with Quantum Fiber to install fiber to your community, your costs and responsibilities are typically minimal. Connect with an expert to discuss your community and needs at Check out these related resources: Multifamily...
FAQ: What is the value of a bulk agreement?
A bulk agreement provides amenity fiber internet at a discounted rate offering attractive cost savings and revenue potential. Check out these related resources: Home developers and HOA’s are bulking up on NOI growth. Bulking up on NOI growth. The residential rental...
FAQ: Why do you recommend fiber-to-the-unit instead of IDF?
To be future-proofed and to maximize ROI, fiber-to-the-unit (FTTU) will meet resident demands today and in the future. Ready for an upgrade at your apartment building? Connect with an expert at Check out these related resources: Yes, Fiber...
Big news, WiFi 7 can enrich community living.
The leap of WiFi 7 devices unlocks sizable capacity and access to future-proof fiber internet. Read more: How the leap to WiFi 7 can enrich next-gen community living. Check out these related resources: Why Apartment Owners Should Know the Tech Driving Their Building’s...
FAQ: Do you have eco-friendly and sustainable solutions?
Take note whether your broadband provider has a sustainable approach to operations and growth, in addition to sustainable products like fiber. Check out these related resources: Sustainability: Fiber can help builders and community managers meet today’s environmental...
FAQ: Do you have a TV option?
TV is best when your residents choose what’s on. Streaming TV gives residents freedom. Check out these related resources: What residents want today is what owners need tomorrow. Tech analysis: Broadband solutions matter for multifamily prestige ...
Video: Tony St. Pierre
Meet Tony St. Pierre, marketing director for Quantum Fiber Connected Communities. Tony loves storytelling of residents getting the connectivity they need to live, work, and play in their smart-connected homes. Expert insights from Tony St. Pierre: FAQ: Do you have...
Video: Zachary Ebner
Meet Zachary Ebner, who leads multifamily product management for Quantum Fiber. Zachary knows the value of embracing change in the industry. WiFi 7 and new product launches are what he finds as 'fun.' He also loves to bowl, golf, and travel. More expert insights from...
FAQ: Who will support my project?
Experts in planning, implementation and resident support are responsible for supporting connected community projects. Check out these related resources: Top multifamily developers and consultants get expert help with fiber internet Fiber 101: What to expect when...
Video: Quantum Fiber is connecting communities to a fast, secure Tier 1 global network.
By growing their Tier 1 fiber network, Quantum Fiber is connecting residential communities to fast and secure fiber internet. Check out these related resources: Being at the top of the class with a Tier 1 internet provider FAQ: How does your WiFi technology differ...